
generate QR codes dynamically


There is a new lib named kjua - works in all modern browsers, crisp codes on all devices.

jQuery.qrcode enables you to dynamically add QR codes to your website. Choose between rendering the code in a canvas or with divs. The latter will be fine even for older browser. The generated QR code will be in the least possible version requiered to encode the content (least number of blocks). See the demo to get a first impression. This plugin is used in h5ai to generate QR codes for file entries.


The syntax is very simple. Just use


to append a new generated HTML element representing the QR code to the selected elements. If the selected element already is a canvas element, then the QR code is drawn onto it.


The available options and their default values are:

    // render method: 'canvas', 'image' or 'div'
    render: 'canvas',

    // version range somewhere in 1 .. 40
    minVersion: 1,
    maxVersion: 40,

    // error correction level: 'L', 'M', 'Q' or 'H'
    ecLevel: 'L',

    // offset in pixel if drawn onto existing canvas
    left: 0,
    top: 0,

    // size in pixel
    size: 200,

    // code color or image element
    fill: '#000',

    // background color or image element, null for transparent background
    background: null,

    // content
    text: 'no text',

    // corner radius relative to module width: 0.0 .. 0.5
    radius: 0,

    // quiet zone in modules
    quiet: 0,

    // modes
    // 0: normal
    // 1: label strip
    // 2: label box
    // 3: image strip
    // 4: image box
    mode: 0,

    mSize: 0.1,
    mPosX: 0.5,
    mPosY: 0.5,

    label: 'no label',
    fontname: 'sans',
    fontcolor: '#000',

    image: null
Works best with JavaScript enabled!Works best in modern browsers!